Saturday, October 8, 2011

We ownay peaksay in igpay atinlay

I'm going to do one big post for the entire week. Sorry again that it's so late..

Well, after getting home at 1AM and not going to bed until 3AM, waking up at 7AM for class was a little difficult.
Classes were boring, nothing new. Other than taking our laundry to the guy we did absolutely nothing. It was great. I tried to go to bed early but that also failed. What's new.

Had class. They were boring.
Tuesday is generally the night everyone goes out, but there was no way we were down for that. The school was playing the first two episodes of the new season of Glee so we all decided to do that instead. Great choice. Linda and Shelley even brought baked goods, whats not to love about homemade carrot cake?

Went on the Intro to Florence field trip in the morning. It was by far the best one we've gone on so far; it was to Basilica of Santa Maria Novella.
After the tour I had more class, more boring.
The conversation partner meeting was at 8:30, so Allie and I headed over there while everyone else headed out. Our conversation partner is extremely awesome and this is going to be a fun semester hanging out with her, practicing italian and making some italian friends.
We were supposed to meet up with everyone after the meeting got over, but Allie and I knew there was no way we would make it through that so we went home. While everyone else was partying hard, we were laughing until we cried over random things we were remembering from Oktoberfest. And trying to speak German and pig latin. We were supposed to do 8 minute abs but after all the laughing we felt our abs had gotten a good enough workout.

I only have two classes on Thursdays, and that was enough.
After lunch we went to mercato centrale for some dried fruit. This is seriously the most delicious dried fruit we have ever had.
Allie and Gabby had to leave for the Amalfi coast at 6 so we didn't spend too much time wandering around the market.
I tried to get some homework done while they packed, and once they headed out I got ready for the night. Erin, Audrey, Nina, Jo and I decided to have a girls night. We went to Tijuana for dinner- the only Mexican restaurant in Florence. It wasn't exactly how we do things in the States, but still tasted great. Linda, Shelley, and Victoria were there and we bought them a round of tequila boom booms. We're hoping they put in a good word for us with our professors come finals time.
After dinner we headed out to this bar that Erin and some of the other girls had gone on Wednesday night. There was said to be karaoke.
It indeed did have karaoke, and the night was by far the best night we've had out in Florence yet. We met a bunch of Australian guys who are backpacking through Europe. They were a blast to hang out with.
The back part of the bar is karaoke and the front has a DJ so we kept wandering back and forth. Around 1AM we decided to bail and try and find the secret bakery.
We followed the directions Allie had left and we know we were on the right street because we could smell it. We knocked on every single door and.. nothing. We are going to have James take us there in the day and show us which door is the right one because we KNOW we were on the right street. It's hard to miss the smell of fresh baked bread.

I woke up at 8:30, wandered downstairs and got some breakfast, brought it back up stairs, put it in my refrigerator, and fell back asleep until 11. I haven't slept that long since before I left home.
Audrey and I somehow talked Erin into going and chopping off all her hair, so we went out in the pouring rain and found this salon that had been recommended to us.
Her hair was almost as long as mine and it is now as barely over her ears, but it looks great!
We grabbed Subway for dinner on our way home and tried to do some homework before we went out for the night.
Nina and Jo showed up around 9PM and we decided to go to the bar across the street from Nazionale that everyone raves about. They are a brewery so we obviously had to try their beer. Compared to what we drank at Oktoberfest it wasn't great, but in comparison to beers from home it was pretty good. We also got fried pizza dough with salsa and french fries... the first fried fast food we've had since coming to Europe.
We decided we wanted to go back to the karaoke bar, but one our way we ran into the fish pub and hung out there awhile. We have become friends with some of the guys who run it, so we get free drinks/shots most of the time. Once we got the DJ to start playing some good dancing music the place filled up, we had a great time. We never made it to the karaoke bar.

That has been my week...
Oh, I forgot to mention. On Monday morning I was informed that I was going to the Katy Perry concert in London next weekend. I guess the girls found super cheap tickets online while we were gone and bought us all one. I love how in Europe you can do that... its no big deal to spontaneously buy a cheap plane ticket to London to go to a concert. We are having way too much fun.

Monday, October 3rd - Friday, October 7th

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